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 “Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice,
he/she sends forth a tiny ripple of hope…and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.”

– Robert F. Kennedy 

 July 21-26, 2019 

Equity Retreat

Professional development that enables leadership to eliminate the barriers created by race, class, gender, and other forms of bias, where faculty and staff will change practices that impede the learning of students from underrepresented groups. 


Register ASAP as there are a limited number of participant slots available.

Registering as an organization/university team of four to five participants is highly encouraged. 


Email *

Organization *

Address *

Phone *

Participant Names

Thank you! Upon receipt of payment a registration confirmation will be electronically sent.

On Time Registration

by 7/01/2019


Late Registration

on or after 7/02/2019


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Payment made to:

Hwy 17 Jack Farms LLC 

Equity Retreat @ La Manzanilla Barn

1807 Clark Street, Alamosa, CO 81101


Upon receipt of payment a registration confirmation will be sent electronically.. 


Travel arrangements are made and paid by the participant. Do not delay in making your lodging arrangements. Retreat rates have been secured at: 


Comfort Inn 

6301 US 160 

Alamosa, Colorado 81101 



Continental breakfast, lunch and dinner are included in the registration fee. 


Nearest airports to Alamosa, Colorado, are Denver International Airport (DEN) or Albuquerque International Sunport (ABQ). 

Connecting flights to Alamosa from Denver or Albuquerque are available through Boutique Air.
Alamosa is a four hour drive from Denver and Albuquerque.


 WHAT TO EXPECT      What participants will learn and how the retreat will be facilitated


 DAILY SCHEDULE      What will be discussed each day


 FACILITATORS      Meet the facilitators


 RECOMMENDED READING      Some material to get you started




CONTACT Lillian Gomez EMAIL or 719-588-7557  or   Marcella Garcia EMAIL or 719-588-9887


Anonymous Reflections 2015-2018 

Discussion Topic: Classism/Privilege 


"“I felt so connected to everyone.  We’re all different, but the same…”


“Something that struck me about today was the amount of emotion that came out of my group, including myself, during our support group. I realized how much I don’t know about other people. I don’t know what other people are going though. Everyone is struggling with something so one should be kind to everyone.” 


“Reflections of today’s session was the realization that classism is present in our educational system, whether intentionally or by default. Acknowledging this, I am better equipped to counter its negative impact on those most affected by classism.” 


“It’s amazing to realize the bias within me. I am generally a very open and embracing individual, so finding new areas where I can be sensitive is wonderful. The intersectionality of class and classism was also very illuminating.” 


Discussion Topic: Racism 


“Today I learned that I have some deep feelings about the racist history of my hometown and I am disgusted by the racism that is still demonstrated in my family.” 


“One way or another, to a greater or lesser degree, the implications of will and life seem buried deeply and implicitly in people who are seemingly unaware of what they say and do. So the complexity challenges the consciousness to remain sensitive and aware.” 


“Today, I learned that I still have a long way to go to learn more about myself in order to understand the discrimination I have suffered in my life. The knowledge gained today will help me help myself and others in the future.” 


Discussion Topic: Gender 


“I’ve expended a lot of psychic energy but holding up fine. Hearing the stories of others brings out strong emotions; inspiration, empathy, and indignation. I’m gratified and happy to be part of this group. I feel like we have really bonded which is a testament to the staff.” 


“I appreciated the presentations today. The organization, thought and explanation helped me to understand better how to support the LGBTQAI community. Thank you.” 


“The personal experiences related in the Personal Experience Panels and dyad structures are extremely rewarding to my own personal/professional growth.” 


Discussion Topic: LGBTQAI 


“Today my thinking came to a place where I finally understand the dynamics of the LBGTQAI. Not just the definitions, the distinctions, the diversity, but the trials and tribulations of these communities and individuals.” 


“Today my thinking was grown in digesting the spectrum of the greys. I find the metaphor to be extremely representative and understandable. I would love all of our campus students and employees to have this experience.” 


“I am challenging myself to think of ways to apply what I have learned this week to my institution. I can figure out how to examine my own practices but the challenge is bringing others in and cultivating change in them.” 




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